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During Pregnancy.
Why is chiropractic care important during your pregnancy?
Helping Mothers Daily.
Healthy Pregnancies.
Throughout your pregnancy there will be many changes to your body, as your body prepares for your child's birth. As your baby grows, the center of gravity of your body moves forward which can increase the curvature of your lower back. This can cause extra strain through the lower back and hips. Relaxin, a hormone that loosens joints, can lead to increased mobility and decreased stability. This can aggravate previous joint injuries and increase pelvic instability.
Our doctors are certified in the Webster Technique for safe and effective care throughout pregnancy.
We are passionate about helping you have the birth experience you've dreamed of, whether at home or in the hospital. Our primary goal is to provide safe, gentle care for you during one of the most exciting times of your life. We are here to support you physically with chiropractic care, but also provide nutritional, supplemental, and emotional support to help you have a wonderful birthing experience.
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